Country of Origin: France
Weight: 4+ kg
Litter Size: 5-12 kids
Life span: up to 5 years
Colors: Black, White, Brown, Blue, Agouti, Chinchilla, Opal. Sooty Fawn, Siamese Sable, Orange, Fawn, Steel and Butterfly (white on underbelly, chest, feet and nose, leaving one of the above colours on the back, ears and a distinctive butterfly marking on the head).
The French Lop is a very large rabbit, weighing more than 4.5 kg with lop ears and an almost cubic appearance with a short thickset body and large head. The front legs are short and straight and the hind legs are carried parallel to the body.
As a large rabbit, the French Lop can be quite placid but is as likely to develop actual behaviour problems as other breeds. Their size dictates confident handling and they will require a large hutch/run to move around freely. They are not the rabbit for small children or people that have limited space, although they can live in the house as a house pet.
Rabbits can become trained to learn their name. They are more intelligent than guinea pigs and hamsters. They can even be trained to go to the toilet in one specific area, which makes cleaning up after them much easier.